"An unpolluted night sky that allows the enjoyment and
contemplation of the firmament should be considered an
inalienable right of humankind equivalent to all other
environmental, social, and cultural rights, due to its
impact on the development of all peoples and on the
conservation of biodiversity."
Starlight Declaration. La Palma, Spain 2008.
"The sky, our
common and universal heritage, is an integral part of the environment perceived by
humanity. Humankind has always observed the sky either to interpret it or to understand
the physical laws that govern the universe. This interest in astronomy has had profound
implications for science, philosophy, religion, culture and our general conception of the
Proclamation of 2009 as International Year of Astronomy. UNESCO General Conference. Paris
Persons belonging to
future generations have the right to an uncontaminated and undamaged Earth, including pure
skies; they are entitled to its enjoyment as the ground of human history of culture and
social bonds that make each generation and individual a member of one human family.
Universal Declaration of Human Rights for Future Generations. La Laguna, 1994.
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