Star Parks - One Star at a Time Programme
A StarPark is a window to the firmament that each community voluntarily designates to enjoy the starry night sky. Its function is to claim and secure the right to starlight, especially for future generations.
Just as communities designate areas for recreation, sport, the enjoyment of nature or silence, these same sites and others can be places where the starry sky is enjoyed. A StarPark is an oasis that each community designates for stargazing/observing, a site where to learn under the stars, with a view to progressively enlarge its area of influence.
How do I register a StarPark?
Registering a StarPark is easy, fast, and free. Visit the StarPark registration page where you can enter some basic information about the site and add contact information, a website, and pictures.
Register at the site of the One Star at a Time Program >
One People, One Sky, One Star at a Time
It is possible to recover the magnificence of the starry night sky to once again inspire and nurture the hearts and souls of all children of this planet. This is the goal at its core and intrinsic to humanity.
Audrey Fischer, One Star at a Time
Launched during Global Astronomy Month 2010, the One Star at a Time program is a worldwide effort to create accessible public spaces to view a starry night sky. Co-chaired by Cipriano Marín, coordinator of the Starlight Initiative, and IDA Board member Audrey Fischer, in cooperation with Astronomers Without Borders (AWB), the program uses night sky conservation to unite people across the planet. One Star will engage the average citizen, individually or in groups, to cherish and protect the night sky through personal pledges, registration of public stargazing areas, and information sharing.
Rowena Davis, International Dark-Sky Association (IDA), editor of Nightscape
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