La Costiera Amalfitana
La Costiera Amalfitana
The best practises of the city of Vietri sul Mare and the other communities of the Amalfi Coast and the Province of Salerno which are part of the Covenant of Mayors.
Which are the goals for the Mayors of the area in order to achieve an intelligent usage of alternative resources? The whole Province of Salerno is engaged in achieving the goals of the Kyoto Protocol. During this public meeting organized by Acarbio (Associazione Costiera Amalfitana Riserva Biosfera) the guidelines of the Covenant of Mayors and the Starlight campaign for the protection of the dark sky will be shown and discussed. The two campaigns can play an important role togheter given that saving energy, reducing co2 emission and light pollution bring not only a economical benefit but also the chance to enjoy the beauty of our planet and the universe in a way we forgot of.
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Sessions Fuerteventura Conference 2009

Starlight Initiative collaborates with the
- The New World Atlas of Light Pollution - Paperback
- Starlight, beyond light pollution - La Palma 2016
- New Brochure of UNESCO`s MAB Programme partnership
- Galicia adopts the Starlight Declaration
- Starlight at the 39th session of the World Heritage Committee
- International declaration warning about the effects of blue-rich white light
- Flyer - Starlight Initiative in partnership with the UNESCO MAB Programme
- Astronomical Heritage - Hawaii 2015
Starlight Finder
Starlight related links
Covenant of Mayors Related Initiative
Colaborating with IAU Working Group
IUCN Dark Sky Advisory Group
Dark Skies Awareness Project
Partnership Unesco-MaB
Member of the Knowledge Network
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The Starlight Initiative is designed as an international action in defence of the values associated with the night sky and the general right to observe the stars. It is open to the participation of all scientific, cultural, environmental, and citizens' organizations... |
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