Tourism and Science Forum
Tourism and Science: Bridging theory and practice

Vilamoura, Algarve, Portugal, on 1-3 June 2011
The aim of this Forum is to achieve an ample consensus for tourism research and governance, setting a reference framework vis-à-vis the main strategic challenges that tourism is facing nowadays, such as development, climate change/sustainability and participatory implementation of policies at public and private levels. The Forum is also concerned with ways and means regarding, among other, market positioning, product and process innovation, and competitiveness.
The Forum will assist in establishing a roadmap for the UNWTO Knowledge Network (UNWTO.Know), created by UNWTO to develop and manage a worldwide association of UNWTO Think Tanks, UNWTO Knowledge Strategic Centres and UNWTO Knowledge Institutions. The Network supports UNWTO and its Member States in all matters concerning science, technology, innovation, and knowledge management related to tourism. Officially launched by the UNWTO in 2010, the UNWTO.Know already has over 120 institutions from 40 different UNWTO Member States.
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Starlight Initiative collaborates with the
- New brochure of the Starlight Initiative in partnership with the UNESCO MAB Programme
- International declaration warning about the effects of blue-rich white light
- Astronomical Heritage - Hawaii 2015
- 2015 International Year of Light
- Montsec - Starlight Destination and Reserve
- Reserva de Biosfera de La Rioja - Destino Turístico Starlight
- La Palma - Destino Turístico Starlight
- Soluciones inteligentes Philips-IAC
Starlight Finder
Starlight related links
Covenant of Mayors Related Initiative
Colaborating with IAU Working Group
IUCN Dark Sky Advisory Group
Dark Skies Awareness Project
Partnership Unesco-MaB
Member of the Knowledge Network
Instituto de Astrofísica de Canarias
The Starlight Initiative is designed as an international action in defence of the values associated with the night sky and the general right to observe the stars. It is open to the participation of all scientific, cultural, environmental, and citizens' organizations... |
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